Healthy Eating
- If you are interested in increasing your access to healthy foods, you have options!
- Visit local food pantries. Food pantries have a variety of food options available for individuals and families. Registration is sometimes needed for pantries. Call ahead to ensure you bring the correct information. Check out *this link* for locations of Allen County pantries (as of October 2023).
- Join a community garden. Community gardens allow local residents to grow fruits and vegetables at a shared location. Participants typically grow the garden for use by their households, but some gardens have “giving gardens” which allow community members to pick fruits and vegetables to take home. Be sure to ask or review signage before picking from a bed that isn’t yours. There are currently community gardens in Bluffton, Delphos, and 2 in Lima. Contact LACNIP at to get connected.
- Visit your local farmer’s market. There are currently farmer’s markets during the summer in Bluffton, Delphos, and in Lima. Farmer’s markets are a great place to visit for local fruits, vegetables, and other items. Some farmer’s markets accept SNAP/EBT (food stamps), WIC coupons, and/or Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program vouchers. Some farmer’s markets also have a Produce Perks program which allows you to purchase additional fruits and vegetables at no cost. Contact your local farmer’s market to see what options are available.
- Grow a backyard garden. Gardens can be all shapes and sizes. You can grow fruits and vegetables in flower beds or in the yard by plowing a plot. Not allowed to tear up your yard? Gardening can also be done via container gardening. Using totes, buckets, or flower pots. Contact the Allen County OSU Extension Office for more information and tips on how to start your own garden at 419-879-9108.
- Attend a food distribution. The West Ohio Foodbank has different food distributions throughout the year. Check out their website: Registration is sometimes needed. Call ahead to ensure you bring the correct information. Senior food boxes are also availableat the West Ohio Food Bank. Contact the food bank to get signed up.
#WeAreActivated: Creating Healthy Communities partners with many other programs and coalitions throughout the county and is an active member of Activate Allen County, committed to improving the health of all Allen County residents.

Here are some healthy eating projects CHC has worked on in the past 5 years:
– Assisted in the development of the Lima Northside Neighborhood Edible Forest
– Assisted in the development of the Delphos Community Gardens
-Assisted in the development of the Delphos Farmer’s Market
-Assisted in the updating of the Mizpah Community Center Food Pantry
-Collaborated to create a new food pantry in the 6th Ward of Lima at Christian Corner Community Center