Active Living
The Creating Healthy Communities Program supports the following:
Allen County Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force: This group supports safe places to walk, bike and be active in Allen County. For more information, or to join the task force, contact the Prevention and Health Promotion Services at 419-228-4457. Members will receive walking and bicycle updates from the Task Force.
For a map of Allen County’s bike and pedestrians pathways, click here.
BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN COUNTS! Volunteers are needed to help conduct Bicycle & Pedestrian Counts every May and September throughout Allen County.
On November 16, 2016, the League of American Bicyclists designated the City of Lima as a Bicycle Friendly Community at the Bronze Level. This award is presented only to communities with strong commitments to bicycling.
For the award documentation, click HERE.
For more information on the League of American Bicyclists, click HERE.
- Obey all traffic laws – including stopping for red lights and stop signs.
- Ride with traffic.
- Try to make eye contact with motorists in your path
- Keep your eyes and mind on the road.
- Wear a properly fitting helmet, even on the shortest of rides
- Ride in the street. In most localities, only young children are permitted to ride on the sidewalks.
- Keep your bike in working order, especially for turning and stopping.
- Ride predictably. Use proper hand signals for turning and stopping.
- Ride respectfully, single file or no more than two side by side.
- Ride outside the “door zone.” When pedaling past parked cars, look at the driver’s-side mirrors. If you see someone, assume the door is about to open, and slow down.
- Be visible: wear bright clothing.
- Use a bicycle headlight and taillight at night, as well as in rainy or other bad weather.

Proper Hand Signals:

Pedestrian Safety Tips
- Pay attention when walking on area roadways
- Obey all traffic laws, signs and signals
- Walk on sidewalks. If there are none, walk along the side of the road, facing traffic.
- Cross streets in crosswalks and at marked intersections.
- Watch for cars when crossing streets and driveways – check for cars turning and backing.
- Cars, trucks, and other vehicles can’t always see you. Make eye contact with the driver before crossing the street.
- Be visible. Wear bright or reflective clothing and carry a flashlight when walking at night.
- Always look both ways when crossing the street.
- Allow space and time for cars and bikes to stop.
- Be smart! The roads are for everyone, but you need to plan for your own safety. Do not rely on others to yield or to see you.

Important Rules to Remember:
- A blind person carrying a cane, or using a guide dog, has the right of way when crossing the street.
- People crossing in a crosswalk have the right of way. If a traffic signal is present, only cross when the signal is green. If a pedestrian signal is present, only cross when the “WALK” signal is lit.
Safety Tips for Motorists
- Pay attention! Expect bikes on the road and pedestrians in crosswalks.
- Obey all traffic laws, signs, and signals.
- Wait until it is safe to pass. Allow at least 3 feet between you and bicyclists.
- Use your mirrors, look for approaching bicyclists before opening car doors.
- Keep your eyes on the road. Pedestrians may appear suddenly, especially children.
- Watch for and yield to bicyclists and pedestrians, especially when pulling out of a driveway.
- When making left turns, yield to oncoming bikes and pedestrians and people in crosswalks.
- Before making right turns, check for approaching bikes and people in crosswalks.
- Look in all directions for bicyclists and pedestrians. Signal your movements to alert others using the road.