Food Safety Inspections

The Allen County Health Department inspects approximately 680 food service operations that prepare and serve meals, and nearly 200 retail food establishments that sell food items from grocery stores and carry-outs. 

The Ohio Public Health Council adopts the rules to be followed by all licensed facilities in the state. These rules are called the Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code.  Inspections and enforcement are based on these rules.  Ohio’s Uniform Food Safety Code is based on the Federal FDA Model Regulations used across the country.

Inspectors in Ohio must be Registered Sanitarians who meet the educational, work experience and testing requirements of the Ohio Sanitarian Registration Board.  Allen County Health Department employs six Registered Sanitarians.

Licensed facilities are classified by their level of risk.  Risks are identified by menu, food preparation methods and populations served.  Risk classifications are then used to determine the number and type of inspections a facility will receive.  Most food operations receive between one and four routine inspections per year.

Non-critical violations are violations that do not directly relate to food-borne illness risk, but are preventive measures that effectively control environmental conditions.  Left uncorrected, noncritical violations can undermine the overall food safety program of an establishment and lead to the development of critical violations.

Critical violations are violations that are more likely than other violations to directly contribute to food contamination, food-borne illness or an environmental health hazard.

To review inspection results prior to March 1, 2014, select the first letter of a facility in the form below. You may also enter a date range to view, if you would like. Then press the “View Inspections” button.

All food facility inspections conducted after March 1, 2014, can be found at

If you have questions about food inspections in general or about specific violations, please contact our Environmental Division at 419-228-4457.