RV Parks & Campgrounds

Program Background


Recreational vehicle (RV) parks, recreation camps (campgrounds), combined park-camps, and temporary park-camps in Ohio are regulated under the authority of Chapter 3729 of the Ohio Revised Code.  A recreational vehicle park is defined as any tract of land used for parking five or more self-contained recreational vehicles.  A recreation camp means any tract of land upon which five or more portable camping units are placed.  Such facilities are subject to the rules for construction, layout, drainage, sanitation, safety, and operation as specified in Chapter 3701-26 of the Ohio Administrative Code.


  Ohio Revised Code
  Ohio Administrative Code
  Ohio Department of Health Program Information


To Obtain a License

Contact the Environmental Division of the Allen County Health Department at 419-228-4457.  Licenses are renewed annually by April 1.

Temporary Park-Camp Applications are due to the Allen County Health Department 15 days prior to the event.