


The mission of Allen County Public Health is to protect and promote the health of Allen County


Healthy people living, working, playing and learning in a healthy environment


CollaborationMaximizing internal and external resources to improve the health of Allen County

Integrity:  Achieving a high standard of service

Respect:  Caring for individuals and their situations

Equity: Promoting conditions that support health for all

Empowerment:  Providing information and guidance to help people lead healthy lives

Communication:  Sharing clear and concise information

What Does the Local Health Department Do in Your Community?

Your local health department or “public health department” – is a leader in improving the health and well-being of your community. Your health department is responsible for:

• Protecting you from health threats. Your health department works to prevent disease outbreaks and makes sure the tap water you drink, the restaurant food you eat and the air you breathe are all safe. It’s also ready to respond to any health emergency—be it bioterrorism, SARS, West Nile Virus or an environmental hazard.

• Educating you and your neighbors about health issues. Your health department gives you information about making healthy decisions, like exercising more, eating right, quitting smoking or simply washing your hands to keep from spreading illness. During a public health emergency, your health department also provides important alerts and warnings to protect your health.

• Providing healthy solutions. Your health department offers the preventive care you need to avoid disease and maintain your health. It provides flu shots for the elderly and helps mothers get prenatal care to give their babies a healthy start. Your health department also helps provide children with regular check-ups, immunizations, and good nutrition to help them grow and learn.

• Advancing community health. Your health department takes part in developing new policies and standards that address existing and emerging challenges to your community’s health while enforcing a range of laws to help keep you safe. Your health department works through research and staff training to maintain