Board of Health

Also on this Page: Health District Advisory Council (please scroll down)

Board of Health Duties

As established in Ohio law, the seven-member Board of Health is our policy-making body with authority to adopt regulations and establish programs to promote public health within the district.

The Board has the authority to hire staff, develop programs, and is required to enforce specific sections of Ohio Revised Code and Rules of the Ohio Public Health Council.  The Board may make such orders as are necessary for its own government, for the public health, the prevention or restriction of diseases, and the abatement of nuisances.

Board of Health Meetings

Business meetings of the Board are held once a month, while special meetings are called when necessary.  The usual meeting date is the second Friday of each month at 8:00 a.m.  Board meetings are open to the public and citizen input is encouraged.

Board Meetings for 2024

January 10, 2025

February 14, 2025

March 14, 2025

April 11, 2025

May 9, 2025

June 13,2025

July 11,2025

August 8, 2025

September 12, 2025

October 10, 2025

November 14, 2025

December 12, 2025

Meetings can be attended remotely. Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: click here for link to join. You can also dial in using your phone.: +1 (646) 749-3122; Access Code: 485-001-573

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Dates are subject to change, contact the Health Department for confirmation.

Board of Health Statement on Vaccinations, March 23, 2017.

Meet our Board of Health Members:

Wilfred J.G. Ellis, MD, President

Current Term: January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2025

“Public health represents a distinct difference that separates our citizens from those of other counties where contaminated food and water, pestilence and serious illness are the rule.  Such does not take place in our community because we have an active public health system which oversees and intervenes when necessary.”

Dr. Ellis is a physician who has lived and practiced medicine in the City of Lima since 1990.  He specializes in infectious diseases and epidemiology. In addition to his private practice, he practices at five hospitals in the region. Born in Washington DC, he received his Bachelor‘s and Master’s degrees in Biology at the University of Dayton and his Medical Doctorate from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.  Dr. Ellis completed his residency in internal medicine at the Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan and pediatric residency at Michigan State University, followed by a fellowship in infectious disease at Brown University.  He also has an MBA from the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Ellis has been serving on the Board of Health since his original appointment in 1991 by the City of Lima.

Janis Sunderhaus

Current Term: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2029

Janis Sunderhaus, MSN, RN, is Chief Executive Officer at Health Partners of Western Ohio (Health Partners) an organization that operates twenty Federally Qualified Health Center sites in Northwestern Ohio.  She has been instrumental in developing the integrated approach to care which includes offering primary medical, dental, behavioral health, substance abuse treatment, vision, and clinical and dispensing pharmacy services to over 60,000 low-income residents, where advanced practice nurse lead integrated clinical teams.  Working with local school systems, Janis has led the establishment of 11 school-based health center sites, and a dental and vision outreach program serving 490 urban and rural high poverty schools. Janis is active in the Ohio Association of Community Health Centers and the Midwest Clinician’s Network.  Prior to the establishment of Health Partners, Janis was a community outreach nurse to a low-income community and received multiple awards for her work.  She earned her master’s degree in nursing administration from the University of Phoenix, and her undergraduate in nursing at The Ohio State University and was a Robert Wood Johnson Nurse Executive Fellow, Cohort 2013. Janis was appointed to the Board by the City of Lima in June 2023. 

Eric Kerner, Vice President

Current Term: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2027

“I believe public health is what sets us apart from all other parts of the world. Public health should always be regarded as a basic need of the community.  Without strong and consistent public health efforts, a community’s ability to remain a viable place to live and work is seriously compromised.”

Eric lives in Delphos, and is the Director of Environmental Health and Safety at PPG Coatings Services in Lima. In his position, he oversees procedures and work systems which ensure the establishment and continuous improvement of a safe and healthy work environment for all employees as well as compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  He also oversees efforts for improving environmental sustainability and compliance.  He was appointed to the Board of Health by the City of Delphos and has served on the Board since 2008. Eric has a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health from the University of Findlay.

Sherri Winegardner

Current Term: April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2029

“Public Health is integral to the overall health of every individual.  Equitable access to clean air and water, healthy and safe nutrition, hygienic living conditions and basic health services provide the foundation for individuals’ health.  All citizens have an obligation in supporting public health activities for the betterment of the community.”

Sherri Winegardner is currently employed by Bluffton University as the Director of Nursing for the nursing program and a tenure-track associate professor since 2016.  She is a Registered Nurse who has practiced in various settings in healthcare and academic settings over the past 30 plus years, including direct patient care, nursing administration in community hospital and long-term and assisted living settings, and a Program Administrator at Brown Mackie College. Her career started at Lima Technical College with an associate degree in Nursing. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from Bluffton College, a Master’s Degree in Nursing from the Medical College of Ohio, and a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Duquesne University.  Sherri also holds a Master of Health Administration Degree. Sherri is a lifelong Allen County resident and was appointed to the Board by the District Advisory Council in March 2019. She retired from Bluffton University in 2024.

Ross Kauffman

Current Term: April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2025

“Public health is the interdisciplinary, evidence-based field that seeks to prevent disease, promote health, and achieve equity in populations. Public health brings together individuals with diverse skills to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing humanity as we strive to move everyone up the spectrum of health toward wellness.”

Ross is an epidemiologist and software developer.  After a decade of teaching undergraduate public health, he left academia to establish Hyperborean Studios, LLC.  His research has focused on tobacco control efforts, with a current interest in developing virtual reality applications for use in education and research.  Ross has Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology and Environmental Science from Eastern Mennonite University and received an MPH with a specialization in Epidemiology and a PhD in Public Health from The Ohio State University. A resident of Bluffton, Ross was appointed to the Board in 2015 by the District Advisory Council.

Scott Shutt

Current Term: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2026

“Public health is important to any community to ensure safety and promote quality of life.”

Scott Shutt is Vice President/General Manager of The Kewpee, Inc. and was appointed to the Board of Health by the Allen County Health District Licensing Council. The Health District Licensing Council consists of one representative of each business activity for which the Board of Health operates a licensing program. Scott lives in Bath Township.  He received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Ohio Norther University. He has served on the Board of Health since 2012.

G. Allen Bryant, III, M.D.

Current Term: April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2028

Dr. Bryant is a physician who was born in Cincinnati, and has lived and practiced medicine in Lima for 16 years. He has also practiced medicine in Indiana, serving as the Chief of Medicine at Dearborn County Hospital. Dr. Bryant specializes in Nephrology, and practices with Lima Memorial Kidney Specialists. Dr. Bryant received his Bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Virginia, and his Medical Doctorate from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He also completed 3 residencies and fellowships with the University of Cincinnati: Internal Medicine (Categorical Program), Internal Medicine Primary Care Program, and Nephrology. Dr. Bryant also has a strong interest in ministry through mission, and has volunteered with Medical Ministry International on missions to Black River, Jamaica since 1994.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board meeting minutes are available upon request.  To request a copy of our meeting minutes, call 419-228-4457.

Health District Advisory Council

Next Meeting: March 2025

Location: Allen County Public Health, 219 E. Market St., Lima, OH 45801

The purpose of the Health District Advisory Council is to elect its officers, appoint members to the Board of Health and Health District Advisory Council, receive and consider the annual or special reports of such Board, and make recommendations to the Board of Health and Health Commissioner in regard to matters for the betterment of health and sanitation within the District, or for needed legislation, in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3709.03

The annual meeting of the Health District Advisory Council shall be held at Health District Offices, 219 East Market Street, Lima, Ohio at 7:00 p.m., or as otherwise decided by the Advisory Council; and will be held in March as fixed by the Chairperson and the Health Commissioner.

The Health District Advisory Council also meets in October, on a date fixed by the Chairperson and the Health Commissioner at 219 East Market Street, Lima, Ohio at 7:00 p.m. or as otherwise decided by the Advisory Council.